Welcome come back to 2020 Fall Semester!

 Dear parents/students,

Welcome back!  We will have a fun online class this semester!  This blog will serve as our homework central.  If you have any questions, please feel free to text me at 615 772 5970.

Online Textbook: https://www.huayuworld.org/oldindex/edu_in_huayu/learn_huayu_start_run/L/gu.pdf



Class Rules:

1)    One parent needs to be with the student in the class.

2) Be prepared. Please get ready and log in 5 minutes before class time and wait to be admitted into the class. 

3)    Please find a quiet place, free from distraction for a good class environment.

     4)    No eating, drinking during the class. 

5)    Please stay on mute when you log in.  Please raise your hand if you would like to speak. 

6)    Maintain RESPECT at all times in speaking, writing and appearance. 

7)    Turn in homework on time.

9-12-20 Homework Assignment:

1. Study the quizlet 10 times and memorize the vocabulary


2. Memorize the song - Two Tigers


3. Study textbook P.36 and 37  ( b, p , m)


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